Why Go Solar - Step 2 | SolarEdge | A World Leader in Smart Energy

Why Go Solar - Step 2

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Households and small businesses that install solar energy systems might be eligible for government incentives in the form of interest free loans, rebates, grants, or subsidies.

Government Subsidies for Solar Energy Systems

If you plan on installing a solar energy system on your rooftop check to see if you are eligible for government subsidized financial assistance. Many businesses and households across Australia are eligible for improved payment terms, grants, subsidies, or rebates under several programs specifically designed to incentivize the installation of solar energy.

Here are some examples:

  • Feed-in tariffs are government payments for excess electricity generated by PV systems and fed back into the electricity grid.
  • Various programs offer discounts on battery storage units, and comfortable loans to pay for the installation of home battery systems.
  • The Solar for Low Income program helps pensioners in the Australian Capital Territory invest in rooftop PV systems to help reduce their electricity costs.
  • Solar Credit programs, such as small-scale technology certificates (STCs) offer households and small businesses rebates for the installation of solar energy systems, panels, and batteries.
  • Households across Australia that install a PV energy system may be able to receive a benefit under the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES) to help with the purchase cost.
  • Farmers interested in going solar can apply for the On-farm Energy Audit and Capital Grant Program, which provides grants to help farmers reduce their energy use and electricity bills.
  • The type of subsidy, level of support, and limits to system type vary with respective government scheme. Further details can be accessed on the corresponding government websites.