Why Go Solar - Step 4 | SolarEdge | A World Leader in Smart Energy

Why Go Solar - Step 4

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Your PV installer is responsible for helping you find your path to go solar. As certified electricians who specialise in solar energy, they guide you through the entire process.

Choosing the Right Solar Energy System Installer

The installer advises you on system size and design, helps you select the most suitable components, and ensures that they are installed correctly. Many installers also offer maintenance services throughout the PV system’s lifetime.

Installing a solar energy system is a long-term investment. As such, you want to make sure your system is made up of the best components, built to fit your needs and rooftop, and installed with care and precision by a responsible, accredited, and experienced installer. When choosing a solar energy installer, several factors should be considered.

The first is accreditation – check to see if the installer you are considering has received Clean Energy Council (CEC) accreditation.

The next step is to read up on your potential installer, and get references. Referrals and personal recommendations are always a good indication of an installer’s quality and professionalism. If someone you know and respect is willing to vouch for an installer, it is probably worth meeting them.

In short, make sure the installer you choose is CEC certified, reliable, experienced, and recommended by people or entities that you trust.