Investing in Renewable Energy with a SolarEdge PV system | SolarEdge | A World Leader in Smart Energy
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Investing in Renewable Energy with a SolarEdge PV system

The Future is Bright

Solar power installations have become a popular and profitable investment, with low operating and maintenance costs and of course, zero fuel costs.

To help ensure a favorable long-term return on investment, Feed-in Tariffs (FITs) guarantee above-market rates from solar energy sold to the grid. And Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) enable investors to create a solar system on a third party property, benefit from government incentives, and sell the power at a fixed rate lower than the local utility. Government organizations such as PUPRA in the US require that utilities purchase a percentage of their power from renewable sources.

The Future is Bright

Faster Return on Your Solar Investment

There are several factors why a SolarEdge smart energy system is the perfect candidate for your next investment

Founded in 2006, SolarEdge is the world’s #1 inverter company in revenues* with more than 21GW of systems shipped in more than 130 countries across 5 continents. No matter what kind of PV system you want to install, SolarEdge has proven its advantages in different applications including rooftops, floating, ground mount and carports. 

Most importantly, we provide more of the product you are going to sell – power. Our power optimisers increase energy output by constantly tracking the maximum power point (MPPT) of each solar module individually to increase system performance and maximise revenue for faster ROI. Also, this module-level power optimisation combined with our superior design flexibility enables more modules to be installed on the roof for increased system capacity.

Compare this with traditional PV systems where there are energy losses due to mismatches between modules caused by soiling, clouds, bird droppings, shading etc. In this scenario, weaker solar modules affect the performance of the other modules in the same module string, decreasing the energy production of the entire system.

Once your system is up and running, you get full visibility of your energy production using our free remote monitoring platform, accessible from your smart device or PC. This also facilitates operation and maintenance by providing systems alerts with pinpoint accuracy, allowing many issues to be resolved remotely.

*In terms of revenue, according to IHS PV Inverter Market tracker 2015-20.

Faster Return on your Solar Investment

More Energy Over the System Lifetime

In a PV system with no shading issues, SolarEdge can typically add ~2%-5% more energy in the system’s first year by limiting losses due to manufacturing tolerance mismatch, soiling, and more. Uneven module degradation also accounts for significant module mismatch, with SolarEdge typically adding ~5%-10% more energy by mitigating this mismatch over the project lifetime. This translates to an average addition of ~4-6c/Wp revenue over the system lifetime and faster solar ROI.

More Energy Over the System Lifetime
Quotes from investors
Ground mount in Burdur
Installer Login: Masa Enerji
Location: Turkey
Installed Capacity: 5.9MW

As owners of the system it was highly important for us to use the safest technology available, and we obviously appreciate the increased uptime and added energy provided by the module-level optimization. As EPC of the system the SolarEdge solution allows us to enjoy savings both on CAPEX through a significant reduction of Balance of System components and flexible design and on OPEX through enhanced O&M capabilities. 

Attila Önal, Owner,
Masa Enerji, Turkey
Roof in Colmar
Installer Login: Blue Ice
Location: France
Installed Capacity: 250kW

As an investor, I really have to look at the three things. First, is the system generating maximum energy output and return on investment? Second, are the installation and operation and maintenance cost efficient? And third, since I am renting rooftops from third parties, are safety risks minimized? I use SolarEdge for all my installations because it can ensure all three.

Eric Gatterer, CEO,
Blue Ice, France
Roof in Bürglen
Installer Login: Intelli Solar
Location: Switzerland
Installed Capacity: 367kW

Thanks to design flexibility and module-level MPPT of SolarEdge optimized inverter, we increased the system size by 73% and the owner improved his return on investment.

Marcel Okle, General Manager,
Intelli Solar, Switzerland
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