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The Solar Blog

Power Optimizers
SolarEdge Power Optimizers for C&I: More Power, Move Safety, More Visibility
Anna Ben-David | May 04, 2023
Through technological innovations, solar has not only become more cost-effective, but it has also become accessible to more people in more places. The SolarEdge Power Optimizer is one of these key… Read more
Energy Costs
Empowering commercial customers to meet energy and business goals while reducing energy costs
Nitsana Bellehsen | Apr 20, 2023
“Our choice of SolarEdge has empowered us to adapt our business to the modern energy challenges we face. With this one decision, we have freed ourselves from unpredictable energy costs and… Read more
Logistics Hubs
Logistics Hubs Look to the Sun to Lower Energy Costs
Gilah Krausz Nevo | Mar 20, 2023
Logistics hubs, central facilities for distributing goods, are the heart of logistics companies. Operating these warehouses requires a lot of energy, which means high costs. But there is a way to… Read more
Women in Solar
Empowering Women in Solar
Nitsana Bellehsen | Mar 07, 2023
Women’s Day is about celebrating women’s achievements and observing how that propels them forward. Many wonder why we need to mark such a day, in 2023, but nothing makes the case more powerfully than… Read more
Floating Solar
Floating Into the Future of Solar with Floatovoltaics
Anna Ben-David | Mar 02, 2023
Floating PV: The next generation of solar power Floatovoltaics, or floating solar power, is having an increasingly large role to play in the transition to renewable energy. Interest is… Read more