Smart PV Solution for Ground Mount | SolarEdge | A World Leader in Smart Energy
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Smart PV Solution for Ground Mount

Smart PV Solution for Ground Mount
Smart PV Solution for Ground Mount

The Taiwan government has set a goal of increasing the county’s share of renewable energy up to 20% and reaching 20GW in 2025. Ground mount PV installations are expected to reach 14GW of this national energy commitment.

Installing PV systems on lands unsuitable for cultivation, subsidence areas, sanitary landfill, or contaminated lands, not only puts idle lands to work, but also brings extra economic benefits thanks to 20 years of Feed-in-Tariffs.

1.64MW, Taiwan

More Energy, Higher Yield

Module mismatch is unavoidable in ground mount PV installations due to soiling, uneven terrain, bird droppings, thermal mismatch, varying aging rates of PV modules, and partial shading. With module-level Maximum Power Point Tracking, SolarEdge can minimize power loss caused by mismatch and optimize the power generation of the entire system.

More Energy, Higher Yield

Flexible Design, Bigger System, More Revenue

In traditional inverter systems, module placement near obstacles such as trees, an electrical transformer, or a high voltage tower is typically avoided in order to prevent shading related power losses.

SolarEdge systems can be installed in partially shaded areas, enabling maximum you to maximize land space usage and place more modules, helping you generate more revenue.

Flexible Design, Bigger System, More Revenue

Save Money with Less Wiring

BoS accounts for around 5% of total PV system costs.  SolarEdge Power Optimizers enable 48 to 52 modules installed in one string for less strings per inverter, which results in less wiring, combiner boxes, and fuses - saving up to 40% of BoS costs.

Save Money with Less Wiring

Safe Operation & Maintenance

Taiwan experiences many typhoons and heavy rains which causes flooding. Natural hazards impacting PV systems can cause short circuits or even electric shock. SolarEdge’s enhanced safety features and module-level monitoring with pinpoint alerts can reduce risk and provide technicians with a safer working environment.

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Safe Operation & Maintenance


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Optimize Power

Optimize power generation by minimizing power loss due to module mismatch

Maximizes the Usage

Maximizes the usage with flexible design, enabling more modules to be installed, regardless of area with shading, angles, and orientation

Easier O&M

Easier O&M with real time module-level monitoring and remote troubleshooting, reducing site visits and time spent on site

Enhanced Safety

Enhanced safety mechanisms including SafeDCTM, arc fault detection and rapid shutdown for maximum safety

Designed for robust environments

Designed for robust environments including agriculture and high saline areas. Power Optimizer IP68 rated; Inverter IP65 rated